Monday, June 28, 2010

Obama is inept

Obama has proven himself to be totally inept in spite of having an I.Q. estimated at 166. He certainly has flunked the economics of ending a recession. Also he has flunked oil spills 101a.
At the recent economics meeting with several European countries he was shot down when he wanted to continue spending money we don't have. The Europeans told him we've been there and done that and it doesn't work. I believe he thinks that as long as he can raise taxes he can keep spending. His idiotic democrat Congress seems to agree. It is becoming more and more apparent that he intends to destroy capitalism and create a socialist nation.
Is there any hope for America?? Yes there is, but the conservatives have to regain control of Congress. Even then it will take several years to undo the damage he has done in just 18 months.
The federal spending must be controlled. Obamacare MUST be repealed. Our borders Must be closed. Cap and Trade must not be enacted. Amnesty and citizenship must not be granted, all illegal aliens must be sent home. Obama must not get re-elected!!
I believe Americans are awakening and have finally realized where Obama wants to take America----IT IS ABOUT TIME THAT THEY DO WAKE UP

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