Friday, July 9, 2010

Health care in Anerica is headed for the cesspool

Obamacare was bad enough then while Congress was in recess Obama named a socialist egg head peditrican to head up Medicare and Medicaid. I have not figured out how a doctor who treats children knows anything about treating old (over 65) people. Actually he is a professor and probably does not really treat anybody on a daily basis.
My big problem though is that he thinks England's socialist health care is great. It is a great provider of jobs-----440,000 people to run a system that cares for 50,000,000 people. The government is England's top employer. At that ratio it will take 3,800,000 employes to run Obamacare for 360,000,000 U.S. citizens. And if Obama can get amnesty and citizenship for
20,000,000 illegals it will take even more to run it.
My biggest concern though is the amount and quality of care especially for the elderly or the very costly to treat younger patients. An example is: English women with breast cancer DO NOT get chemotherapy because "it costs too much" and men with prostate cancer also get inadequate treatment. If socialized medicine is so great why do Canadians who can afford it come
to the U.S. to get treatment. In Canada you can die just waiting to see your family doctor then
wait many weeks to see a specialist then weeks or months to have surgery. Please go to and type in: "a short course in brain surgery". I personally know that it is

Monday, June 28, 2010

Obama is inept

Obama has proven himself to be totally inept in spite of having an I.Q. estimated at 166. He certainly has flunked the economics of ending a recession. Also he has flunked oil spills 101a.
At the recent economics meeting with several European countries he was shot down when he wanted to continue spending money we don't have. The Europeans told him we've been there and done that and it doesn't work. I believe he thinks that as long as he can raise taxes he can keep spending. His idiotic democrat Congress seems to agree. It is becoming more and more apparent that he intends to destroy capitalism and create a socialist nation.
Is there any hope for America?? Yes there is, but the conservatives have to regain control of Congress. Even then it will take several years to undo the damage he has done in just 18 months.
The federal spending must be controlled. Obamacare MUST be repealed. Our borders Must be closed. Cap and Trade must not be enacted. Amnesty and citizenship must not be granted, all illegal aliens must be sent home. Obama must not get re-elected!!
I believe Americans are awakening and have finally realized where Obama wants to take America----IT IS ABOUT TIME THAT THEY DO WAKE UP

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Is the oil spill what Obama wanted.

Obama made the decision that Bp would drill for oil where the sea bed is 5000 feet down. BP employees had donated $77,OOO+ to his campaign fund. Was the contract payback to those union workers. If he had checked he would have found that BP has a horrible safety record. Since 2003 they have paid over $10,000, 000 for safety and training violations. I'm beginning to to think he knew this but he needed another crisis so he could push a Cap and Trade bill. He knows the present idiotic liberal Congress will enact it inspite of "global warming" having been proven a HOAX. He recently said that nothing new to clean up oil spills had been discovered in the last 40 years-----that is a LIE. A bacteria has been developed that eats oil and when the oil is gone they die and fish, and shrimp etc. can eat them safely. Also several European countries said they could send boats and other help. But thanks to the JONES law he declined all offers---he was afraid of offending the unions. Bush II waived the JONES law ater Katrina and America got a lot of help from other countries.
Obama is intelligent, his I.Q. is 166 or so. That does not prevent him being STUPID and there is no cure for STUPIDITY!! But as I said earlier, he needed another crisis and he sure caused one.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obama and the oil spill

Obama has completely botched the oil spill. BP employees donated $77,000 to his campaign fund. Makes one wonder if awarding the drilling contract to BP was payback to their union employees. If he had investigated BP's record he would have found that they have a horrible safety record. Since 2003 BP has paid over $10,000,000 in fines for safety and training violations. Then BP has to drill at a site where the seabed is 5,000 feet down.
Nobody really knows how much crude has gushed out already---several different estimates have been given. A relief well will not be finished until August, maybe.
While the oil is gushing out and spreading Obama has been playing golf and attending rock concerts. His trips to the southern coast have been just more photo ops. Many countries have said they would help but because of the Jones law they have been turned down. All he would have to do is to waive the Jones law like BushII did after Katrina decimated New Orleans.
Let us face it, Obama has FLUNKED oil spill 101a. Or was he wanting a disaster to occur so he could suspend all drilling and push his Cap and Trade agenda?? I wouldn't be surprised!
God forbid this inept mulatto get a second term. If he does, you can kiss America goodbye.
And still no certified birth certificate presented. He should be IMPEACHED or used to plug the hole.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You can't argue with idiot liberals,

I have been posting things on and I don't understand how the liberals can spew their liberal comments without any credible proof but expect me to offer a credible source for almost every letter of the comment. None of them seem able to see that Obama has America headed toward socialism. I used to think they had their heads in the sand----but now I think they all have their heads high up in their rectums. They certainly have "fecal amnesia". They remember every mistake that BushII made but forget about the mistakes Clinton made and the ones that Obama has made since he took office. They will deny that America is in deep financial troube and that over spending caused it. Dicki Morris who worked for Clinton when he was President
said today that America could be the next Greece. All of the European countries are in trouble.
Obama talked Germany into donating $1trillion to the fund to "bail out"Greece, so I suppose he will want America to give the same. The problem in Greece is due to entitlements---union workers get paid for 14 months but only work 12 months. Conservatives MUST regain control of
Congress or this country will become a socialist nightmare.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The bigest LIE about taxes ever told.

I was very certain he was lying when Obama said during his campaign and after his election "no one making less than $250,000 will pay a dime more in taxes". Now he wants Congress to enact a "Value added" tax bill. He has mentioned a 7% tax that would be on EVERYTHING you buy. So when you buy $40 worth of groceries in Indiana you would be charged $45.20---6% Indiana sells tax plus 7% VAT.
Lying is second nature to Obama, in Iowa when speaking about healhcare reform he said several things that were LIES. 1. It will be enacted with Republican input. 2. Negotiations will be shown on CSPAN---it was all done behind closed doors with a guard outside. 3. It will be posted on the Whitehouse website-----that never happened. He has told many other LIES---if as he said he studied political science at Colgate, why do none of his supposed classmates remember him. At sometime in his college days he applied to the Fulbright Foundation as BARRY SOETORO a foriegn student for a fellowship----and he got it---those fellowships are only given to foriegn students. I'm sure he was not born on U.S. soil, he was born in Kenya---his grandmother says she attended his birth. Obama is glib orator---especially when his teleprompters work right.
He would have made a super great used car salesman---he sure as hell is the worst President
we've ever had. He and his progressive controlled Congress have added $6trillion to our debt and he still blames Bush II---the democrat Congress of Bush's last two years added $1.5+trillion to our debt---remember Congress appropriates the money. America will probably NEVER be able to pay off our debt. Obama and his "surrounders" are Marxists and some are self-avowed Communists e.g. Van Jones. Obama has "hoodwinked' gullible Americans---enough to get elected, but his approval ratings are plummeting.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

We've been raped.

By hook and crook Obamacare was enacted by that bunch of progressive idiots who now control Congress. The CBO which figures out the cost of a bill was lied to by Obama by not giving them all of the information about the bill. It will cost much more than what Obama has said. I'd bet that it will cost more than a trillion dollars each year. Money we do NOT have.
Twenty five percent of doctors say they will retire. They refuse to use proctocol treatments written by bureauocrats who are NOT doctors. there will be waiting, and waiting, and more waiting. The death rate will increase just as it has in Canada. Canada's death rate from all types of cancer is MUCH higher than ours is presently. A medical school classmate of mine who was a Canadaian and practiced in Canada died because of bladder cancer. When I asked a urologist who comes to Witham Hospital , he told me the last patient he knew of that died of bladder cancer was at least 20 years ago. If you are old and very ill and the treatment would be expensive, you should be ready to DIE. America is bankrupt we just have not admitted it yet. If we are not bankrupt Obamacare will make America bankrupt. And Obama still wants Cap and Trade enacted. Also he wants Amnesty and citizenship for all illegal aliens. Welcome to the Socialist States of MEXIMERICA. GOD, Please bless America because Obama is trying to distroy it.