Monday, February 22, 2010


The Messiah is determined to jam Obamacare down our throats even if 57% of the public is against it. He is urging the Senate to use the "reconciliation rule" which is supposed to be used only for budgetary issues. I believe this is pure crookedness but nothing new fior this administration. Remember he said all would done in the open----even on CSPAN. It has all been done behind gaurded closed doors with NO input from the Republicans. Another of his promises not carried out. Congressmen and the President all swear when they take the oath of office to defend the Constitution against all threats, foreign and domestic. I think all the democrats in Congress and Obama should be impeached for breaking their oath. Our saving grace will be the elections in 2010 and 2012. Americans are "waking up" and detest what is happening. Newt Gingrich says that politics is like a pendulum----it swings to the left then swings to the right. I pray to God that he is correct. It will take a decade to undo the damage Obama has done in one year. I believe Obama will go down in history as the WORST President we have ever had. But remember recent history books have been written by "progressives" who have no regard for the truth.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

America-----Welcome to bankruptcy.

Congress has voted to let Obama raise the national debt another 1.9 trillion dollars. Most people have no conception of what a trillion of anything is. There are 525,600 seconds in a year. Multiply that by 1,000. So in 1,000 years there 525,600,000 seconds. Multiply by 1,000 again-now you have 525,600,000,000----that is billions. So in 1,000,000 years there are
525,600,000.000. seconds. Now if you mutiply the million years by 3.61 you will have 189,741,600,000,000. seconds (almost 1.9 trillion) in 361,000,000 years.
Our present national debt is nearing $12.4 trillion. Each citizens share of our debt is $177,504. If you add in our unfunded liabilities our debt is $54.8 trillion.
There is no way we will ever be able to pay off our national debt. At present the ratio of our debt to GNP is 86.7%. No nation whose ratio of debt to GNP exceeded 90% has survived.
The Aztec calender stopped on Dec. 22, 2012----they thought the world as we know it would cease to exist then. So maybe we don't have long to worry about the debt or anything else.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Obama continues to LIE

Obama says he taught Constitutional law. However he doesn't seem to understand nor pay much attention to it. The perfect example is his recent idea of funding a jobs bill with Tarp money that many banks have repaid plus interest they were charged. Many of these banks didn't want the money but were forced to take it. Obama should know that he can NOT appropriate money. The Constitution states that only Congress can do that. But I'm sure that our idiotic progressive Congress will be happy to furnish the money. It bothers me that Obama continues to lie about the unemployment rate and "saved" jobs. The 8,000,000 or more who have been jobless for 6 months or more are not counted. If they are included our unemployment rate is 17.6% at least. , Because he still believes in "global warming" due to CO2 (it has been debunked) he wants to enact Cap and Trade. If Cap and Trade is enacted the unemployed rate will rise to 25% OR MORE. Obama is glib and smart enough to graduate from law school but he seems to be a slow learner. Instead of using Keyneasian economics to end the recession, he should have used "Reagonomics". It really bothers me that he has surrounded himself with lobbyists and Marxists. He even had a large ornament on the Whitehouse "holiday tree" bearing the face of
Chairman Mao who had over 1,000,000 Chinese citizens killed. I think we can't trust him. I pray
that on Nov. 2, 2010 we conservatives will take back control of Congress. Many of the present members will start drawing their obnoxious retirement. Two hundred and 18 are millionaires and really don't need the money. Pelosi and her husband have a net worth of $90,000,000 and she is only the 5th richest person in Congress.