Thursday, January 7, 2010


Obama's administration is full of liars----he is surrounded by them---but what would you expect since he is probably the biggest liar of them all. What happened to the transparency we were promised??? He is also a narcsissist----and an idiot besause he still believes in "global warming". Even after the exposure of the global warming emails, he believes in it. Or is this just so he can get our stupid democrat controlled Congress to enact a Cap and Trade bill. (DISASTER
just waiting to happen).
Harry Reid has lied about the Senate healthcare bill. Nancy Pelosi has lied about how openly the House healthcare bill was created. There was NO Republican input into either version that was adopted. All three of them are lying about the cost of healthcare under their bills. They say no rationing but won't explain how the same number of doctors can suddenly take care of 40 million more patients. Even if there were enough doctors, older people would suffer or be"allowed " to die if it was going to cost too much to treat them. In Canada people wait weeks to see a doctor, months to get a MRI, CAT scan or to see a Specialist or to have surgery. In England women with breast cancer do NOT get chemotherapy because it "costs too much". In England 400,000
people work for the government to run healtcare. How many will it take to run it in America???
Maybe Obama wants Obamacare so he can create jobs for 2 or 3 million of our unemployed, since our true unemployment rate is 17.5%. Because Obamacare is cutting Medicare payments to hospitals, Mayo Clinic in Phoenix AZ. will no longer treat Medicare patients. At present Medicare pays hospitals about 63% and Medicaid about 35% of what it actually costs to treat those patients.
Many doctors will "retire" or switch professions because they don't want to continue to "practice" if Obamacare is enacted---so waiting times will increase. I admit that healthcare is exspensive. Enacting TORT reform, being able to buy health care insurance across state lines, increasing what Medicare and Medicaid pays hospitals, all would help decrease the cost to private paying
patients and to insurance companies. But I guess those ideas are too simple to be considered.
Another thing that scares me is that SEIU wants to unionize healthcare employees----and Obama is as a BIG "fan" of SEIU as he is of ACORN. He has spoken at their conventions and thinks they are great organizations. I wonder if their generous contributions to his campaign fund has any thing to do with that. Obama is a Socialist and may be a "closet" Muslim and still no certified birth certificate presented! Health care in thus country is headed for the cesspool.
I fear for the future of this country. I don't think Obama stands a chance of getting elected again. If he does get 4 more years I'd advise moving to Coasta Rica, Argentina, or maybe Texas
(especially if it secedes from the USA---it is the only state that can---and I'm told that that is a favorite topic of conversation there). If I were younger I'd move in a heart beat. Thomas Jefferson said "When the people fear the government that is tyranny, When the government fears the people that is freedom"
I don't believe that most Americans realize how close we are to losing the "rights" given to us by our Constitution. Obama wants to control every aspect of of lives----and I do mean EVERY ASPECT. It is time to WAKE UP AMERICA!